
Dux Pilots Course on Black Hawks

East Timor 2000 as OC of the Black Hawk detachment

Fastroping from Blackhawks

Blackhawk Rappelling

Black Hawk East Timor Group

Balibo AME/QRF Det Dec 2000

Blackhawk through NVG

Chinook pilots 1996
Afghanistan - Various

Day Head-Up-Display in Southern Afghanistan

Whole of Task Force physical training morning

Members of TG 637.3 for PT with the US Task Force

The US Task Force have unit flags and run around their respective group as part of the PT session. We don't have such flags in Australia so Griffo (the senior soldier in our unit) grabbed a Bundy Rum hat and hailed that as our guidon!

Everywhere I deployed my Dad would send his Australian flag to me so that it had seen the same service I did. The same applied for my two brothers who were both in the ADF as well.
Afghanistan - from Ned Dawson of Kia Kaha Media

Kevin flying a Forward Operating Base resupply task

To minimise time on the ground at FOBs we would lower the ramp and slowly roll forward whilst pushing the pallets out the back.

To minimise time on the ground at FOBs we would lower the ramp and slowly roll forward whilst pushing the pallets out the back.

To minimise time on the ground at FOBs we would lower the ramp and slowly roll forward whilst pushing the pallets out the back.

The shadow gives a good gauge of our operating height on most missions

Perfect overhead shot showing symmetry of the forward and aft rotors

Harsh and unforgiving terrain

Kevin in the left seat giving thumbs up to photographer Ned Dawson.
Civilian flying

Queensland Government Air AW139 at Dalby Hospital on Dusk.

BK117 with CareFlight on the Royal Northshore Hospital helipad Sydney

Queensland Government Air AW139 at Princess Alexandra Hospital helipad Brisbane

Queensland Government Air B412 at Mater Hospital rooftop helipad Brisbane.

Recognised as Community Citizen of the year 2023 for work as a mental health advocate and in support of veteran families through Cor Infinitus

Investiture ceremony with the Governor General, his excellency General David Hurley AC, CVO, DSC, FTSE

Following the investiture ceremony